Sunday, November 17, 2019

Jack Ryan Season 2

My Thoughts on Jack Ryan, Season 2

The entry premise of Jack Ryan season 2 is that the President of Venezuela is a dick, and that his opposition, the lady running against him in the upcoming election, is their savior.

Jack, in the first scene of the show, implies that the President of Venezuela is President Trump, and that the opposition is vaguely running on a social justice platform. The irony, and frankly big lie about this setup and framing is that historically the authoritarianism of socialism and communism is itself the birthplace of modern social justice, not to mention fascism, which they try to hang around the neck of Trump. Ironic, since it was Communist China and Communist Russia, and now Socialist Venezuela which are most authoritarian and fascist, dictating with thought police precision what narrative “the people” are to buy into, and which thoughts and narratives are not allowed to even be written about, let alone talked about.

Once, while in Mainland China and seeking to understand the culture and Chinese history better I read a book called China in Ten Words. The author wrote about his and his families experiences under Mao’s regime and rein, although not expressly focused on Mao himself. Simply, the book was an expression of how the author and the people around him during his formative years and young adulthood experienced ten different important aspects of China culture and way of doing and thinking about reality.

I used the book in a course I began to teach to graduate students at a social sciences university in Beijing, but during my research to use the book in the classroom discovered the book had been band. Foolishly, I decided to risk using it anyways. Unfortunately, my students posted a copy of the ebook to a group chat that was monitored by the Chinese government, and I was subsequently fired, apparently because I had used that book.  

Did the book specifically seek to denigrate the Chinese government? No, at least I don’t think so. What it did was tell the truth about how things were during some times where the socialist and communist government of China made mistakes. Basically, the truth ran counter narrative to the version of reality that the Chinese Communist government built and is trying to maintain.

The writers and producers of the newest season of Jack Ryan season 2 are like the Chinese Communist government. They have seen the narrative coming out of modern day Venezuela, and the fact that it’s a socialist regime, and don’t like the truth. Venezuelans I met in China while I lived there told me people were having a hard time getting toilet tissue, transferring money, troubles with getting food, and were having a terrible time of life there. So the brazen narrative that a Trump straw-man, according to the show the president of Venezuela, being the reason Venezuela is in trouble, and portraying a candidate of social justice, or put another way, socialism and communism, as the savior of the nation and its people is not only insulting, but a big lie on its face. It’s an attempt to cover the real reasons things aren’t going well in Venezuela, and to sell a narrative that the left have a hard time believing; The Left’s way of thinking and policies of social justice by fiat, deception, socialism, and communism, destroy nations and people and are in direct antithesis to reality and the truth.

I’m sad to see Jack Ryan season two go the way of lying to its watchers, and spreading a narrative which controverts the last 100 years of history and indirectly tramples on the graves of the babies who were eaten by their parents under socialist and communist regimes, the forced sterilizations of mothers under the Chinese Communist regime, and the tens of millions who were murdered and starved to death as a result of the very way of thinking the writers and producers of Jack Ryan are using. The underlying philosophy is the same, as Jordan Peterson has said. It is one of identity politics, political victim identity, and seeking after power, rhetorical, political, and ultimately, power to tell people what they can and cannot think, say, and do. It is an attack on reality, truth, and freedom, and the writers and producers of Jack Ryan season 2 ought to be ashamed of themselves. But I’m sure the self-righteousness of those of their ilk will keep them firmly ensconced in a narrative which gives them permission to keep lying.